Friday, February 5, 2010

Web Literacy for Educators - Chapter 5: Research Outside the Box: A Guide to Smart Searchin

Validating Web information can be very difficult but is a very critical for students and teachers to develop. Understanding what makes a valid site as well as learning effective search techniques can be a preventive against coming up with misleading and inappropriate websites.

1st - Search with Extensions
Extensions are the last bit of the url address. These can help keep your search in a specific category and with credible sites. They are bits of information found in the domain name and they refer to groups or categories. Extensions are used to help find specific categories.

2nd - Creating a Virtual Index
Finding information from a large website can be extremely overwhelming and frustrating. Creating a virtual index or a quick list of web pages with the same root domain name.

Learning how to use all the search techniques and understanding the grammar of the internet can help with creative and critical thinking and research. Not only will it make sure the information is validated but it's about finding quality resources that are safe for your students.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Chapter 5 Building Knowledge Without Boundaries: Online Learning

On-line learning is quickly becoming the dominant method for which most of our classrooms are heading. Though it is important to understand that this doesn't mean everything is done in front of the computer. Interaction from student to teacher increased as well as interaction from peer to peer. Students become more engaged with the use of technology and many kids like the fact that they're responses aren't/can't be seen by their classmates. It allows them to be more honest and thoughtful with the worry of ridicule by their peers.

Chapter 4 Accessing Primary Sources to Enhance Critical Thinking

Chapter 4 talks about finding a balance between freedom to explore and structure and guidance. Learning is more fun when students are allowed to explore and hunt for questions and answers. During this process, students need to be taught how to accountable for how they are using the technology, and how to develop the skills to decipher between truthful sites and sites that aren't truthful. Teachers need to set up online learning and boundaries to help students maintain the integrity of their work.

Chapter 3 Emerging Roles Within the Knowledge Community

Chapter 3 focuses on how the role of teaching is changing from the traditional to more of a facilitator when it comes to technology. It is important that teachers learn how to manage the technology - even when they don't know every detail about it. It's not as important to know the skill. The students will pick up very quickly and are very willing to work their way through the new technology. Teachers often take the role of the learner even while in the teacher position within the classroom - which are becoming more student-centered and less teacher-centered. They need to create an environment where students are no longer worried about personal judgments, and are willing to take more risks with the technology.

Chapter 2 Empowering Learning by Expanding Relationships

This chapter focused on developing and creating global connections for our students. This puts the teacher in a position to facilitate learning and to give students opportunities to explore and learn without a step-by-step instructional plan. Teachers and students need to think globally - if you can imagine it - there is probably a way to accomplish with the technology we now have in our classrooms. Even the "simple" technology probably has advanced ways to connect us to our world (i.e. the forgotten fax machine was one example the book used.) It is most important that we get our students connected with the world.

Friday, October 16, 2009

Chapter 1: Information Literacy: A New Basic Skill

The importance of teaching our students and our children about the validity of information on the internet is a vital tool that they will need and use throughout life. Children are naive, and believe that if it's on the internet that it's true. Internet has become this generations main source of communication and entertainment. It allows them immediate access to an overwhelming world of data. Teaching them the tools and the importance of interpreting the information on the web is an absolute necessity.